Calculatis: a state-of-the-art timber design tool

Calculatis by Stora Enso is a timber design tool for engineers. Efficient and fully web-based, Calculatis allows you to analyse structural elements in products such as CLT, LVL and much more.

Designed for timber construction
Developed to fit the needs of engineers working with wood construction, Calculatis includes design modules for floors, roofs, columns, beams, headers, supports, and connections for structures made from CLT, LVL, glued laminated timber and solid timber. The tool can also conduct hygrothermal (U-value, Glaser Diagram and condensation) and fire design (R, E and I criteria) analysis according to Eurocode and Swiss building code (SIA).

Structural analysis made simple
Calculatis supports all steps of your timber construction project with an efficient workflow and accurate results. With easy and clear parameterization, ready-to-use modules and illustrative reports, the tool helps you save time and access all calculations in one place.

A tool for everyone
Calculatis is free of charge and can be used directly through your web browser, independent of operating system. You can access the tool on desktop, laptop or tablet without the need to install software or save your project files locally. The tool is available in six languages and has over 15 000 users worldwide. Get free access now by signing up on

Watch our video below about "Timber design and structural analysis for engineers".


01 January 2021
